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This month is ADDITIONS in 4 minutes 288 times made:
naamnumber correctnumber done
Hafsaatjee🫶12112410 October
Ching hong hai yo qi120123 1 October
11111215 October
DIDDY GRIDY10811318 October
104105 5 October
sam 10110217 October
altan9797 9 October
DIDDY GRIDY9610217 October
9696 3 October
bart959915 October
949614 October
Pepijn919115 October
DIDDY GRIDY889316 October
Joas889416 October
8590 8 October
altan8487 9 October
Samar828415 October
Joas7683 2 October
Sam7510016 October
7584 5 October
Ivana737516 October
ryshaan737611 October
Lindsey707420 October
Igor707421 October
aya687314 October
Bowie687416 October
#norahvlug#687321 October
6772 9 October
Osman666717 October
Sep667215 October
Julia636416 October
naoual6165 1 October
kipnugget lover6163 8 October
Juan606317 October
5871 4 October
586011 October
Illia566117 October
jan poppe545418 October
arjun5354 1 October
musa535317 October
525515 October
Ansar525517 October
5261 4 October
5258 3 October
leonie5155 9 October
515415 October
Valeriia515217 October
Elena505116 October
HPGEK4950 8 October
Andreh494917 October
4955 8 October
floris4848 3 October
4848 8 October
475010 October
4747 2 October
4748 3 October
Benthe464621 October
464815 October
4548 4 October
454514 October
454611 October
Saikou444516 October
nico power4450 3 October
vajen434515 October
linne434517 October
4347 2 October
Siweed424816 October
annika van hegten4242 4 October
414515 October
4143 3 October
4144 8 October
Asma404317 October
Raja404517 October
404217 October
3939 8 October
Evy383813 October
3840 1 October
3839 4 October
bla bla bla bla bla 384016 October
3841 9 October
Karam384016 October
Hussein373917 October
Sabrina373811 October
3738 3 October
daniel373810 October
Senna van Duijn373912 October
daniel374016 October
3738 4 October
mikola3745 3 October
alyciagomez363710 October
bla bla bla bla bla 3536 9 October
Bangin353717 October
3537 3 October
Juan353616 October
3536 8 October
Veerle343716 October
3435 4 October
3336 1 October
333611 October
Senna van Duijn333611 October
3334 8 October
3336 9 October
333317 October
Sahrun333516 October
Siweed333917 October
Jethro323316 October
3238 8 October
32151 1 October
Senna323412 October
Zofia323221 October
alyciagomez3234 3 October
3234 9 October
Bangin323517 October
323416 October
313515 October
Munia313817 October
Bart313215 October
Sabrina313111 October
Benthe313221 October
3133 1 October
3134 8 October
alyciagomez3132 9 October
3132 3 October
3132 7 October
303114 October
hoi3031 3 October
Munia303217 October
Bubacarr303017 October
Saar303021 October
Hailey303021 October
3034 3 October
3032 8 October
Bubakkar292917 October
evy293013 October
Musa293617 October
alyciagomez2932 1 October
293015 October
#norahvlug#282921 October
Borre2831 3 October
283013 October
2831 8 October
2828 1 October
34;2834 9 October
Nora marke28399 1 October
2829 3 October
Demi282911 October
282910 October
Livy282921 October
yalisa2829 8 October
273013 October
273015 October
Senna van Duijn272712 October
2730 4 October
Mateen274017 October
272715 October
Diede272711 October
2729 8 October
272815 October
jools goethard2628 4 October
2627 3 October
2628 4 October
ella2629 3 October
262814 October
262711 October
262920 October
26260 1 October
Vincent252621 October
fleur2530 8 October
Job252721 October
ha ha ha hi hi hi2527 2 October
Karina254017 October
Sidibe252517 October
252611 October
Bubacarr252716 October
27 25 noor252710 October
Hamza252517 October
2527 7 October
Bowie242716 October
243414 October
Baukje242521 October
Sidibe242417 October
Anna242611 October
242621 October
242614 October
2430 1 October
Bubacarr232316 October
daniel2375 7 October
2328 2 October
Sahrun232317 October
232311 October
Nala222224 2 October
Liz212221 October
2124 8 October
olivier groep 3212511 October
212211 October
Sidibe212116 October
Hailey212221 October
202011 October
2022 8 October
2023 3 October
artem20176 3 October
1921 3 October
Kosae192017 October
Nilla192011 October
Diede192411 October
Liva191911 October
Veerle192211 October
1921 9 October
193214 October
1921 8 October
1822 3 October
182210 October
Katja182021 October
1819 4 October
vivien181917 October
Tess182121 October
Vincent172521 October
Katja171821 October
171710 October
Saar172021 October
Baba162017 October
155517 October
jayvano1520 2 October
151614 October
vivien151515 October
151815 October
141814 October
1416 4 October
Bubakkar141616 October
Tim131711 October
131518 October
Noud137411 October
1213 4 October
Munia121517 October
Lilja121217 October
1217 8 October
Nilla121311 October
121310 October
Sahrun121217 October
huub111921 October
hoiii1112 8 October
Sahrun111217 October
Tim111314 October
MOHAMMED111214 October
dirk1120011 October
1119 3 October
vivien101221 October
MOHAMMED101014 October
Yamen101417 October
101211 October
Yamen101217 October
Floris101414 October
vivien913 2 October
99 3 October
Floris91211 October
Floris91611 October
ravibaas91111 October
Lilja85511 October
Geen naam8815 October
Nilla88 1 October
Anna81511 October
Katja81221 October
8914 October
8911 October
Diede8811 October
selma74310 October
Yamen71017 October
Sem7711 October
Tim7911 October
66 1 October
Yamen6917 October
vivien61110 October
57 8 October
Floris5914 October
Julia5711 October
LuukR5811 October
vivien45 8 October
mevrouw4417 October
benjamin4312 8 October
Burak35 9 October
3610 October
3316 October
Emma2318 October
2218 October
Liva2211 October
Lilja1118 October
1218 October
1111 October
This month is ADDITIONS in 3 minutes 31 times made:
naamnumber correctnumber done
siem8689 2 October
mell767611 October
565710 October
jazz.pattiasina lobi4343 4 October
PEOPIE DEOPIE!!4144 4 October
Julia394216 October
373720 October
344211 October
Liz333321 October
3132 4 October
bo313115 October
fiep293015 October
Yfke283021 October
2833 1 October
272817 October
Livy262721 October
f8u7eueeud2627 7 October
philou253211 October
202315 October
Floor marke2021 8 October
nina192111 October
1922 3 October
Vincent192521 October
lisa1921 1 October
Yfke162021 October
152315 October
Nala221517 2 October
101112 October
Yamen9917 October
77 4 October
79 9 October
This month is ADDITIONS in 2 minutes 148 times made:
naamnumber correctnumber done
teijeyo!!!!!!!🥇ðŸ657121 October
yvet626610 October
6062 2 October
Olivia5656 4 October
thomas5454 7 October
lou525518 October
494921 October
Rojin4951 1 October
Hayley Taylor Swift4850 3 October
4748 2 October
4648 6 October
Geen naam4647 2 October
454813 October
ryshaan444515 October
434617 October
424510 October
414614 October
4042 7 October
404110 October
Taeke394018 October
394114 October
3944 1 October
essiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee3839 9 October
374014 October
374118 October
363812 October
novel363811 October
363914 October
Hanna363617 October
mega master353711 October
Niek353618 October
Djianiro343521 October
Farah3438 9 October
3333 3 October
menno3234 8 October
mega master323418 October
323215 October
3233 4 October
vicky313118 October
3131 3 October
elise313618 October
elvar313318 October
3030 6 October
menno303521 October
3032 8 October
293511 October
292921 October
292915 October
2932 9 October
2929 9 October
menno2835 8 October
2829 9 October
Rens283121 October
Beau283118 October
282818 October
hi je hebt er 100 go283218 October
272920 October
sem272820 October
kayden273118 October
2729 1 October
262715 October
Rens263021 October
Sef262721 October
hamidkokosnoot2626 9 October
252816 October
Ivana252516 October
252515 October
252715 October
252515 October
252718 October
2526 1 October
252720 October
floris253015 October
242515 October
2424 1 October
242414 October
2424 7 October
232314 October
2324 8 October
philou232311 October
232310 October
222415 October
2222 1 October
Jayden222621 October
desteney2225 7 October
212520 October
212321 October
2123 8 October
Zofia202121 October
Jayden202321 October
202618 October
202115 October
202015 October
Sara2024 9 October
202215 October
202115 October
191915 October
philou192416 October
philou191918 October
Jet192214 October
192010 October
kylian181818 October
182015 October
Rosie171815 October
1717 3 October
172221 October
171818 October
171818 October
171915 October
Abdurazak161717 October
1617 7 October
1620 7 October
161617 October
1516 1 October
1519 2 October
151715 October
yasmine151515 October
131315 October
131415 October
131515 October
angelina121214 October
121415 October
121314 October
HPGEK1216 4 October
Senna van Duijn111411 October
111118 October
111115 October
101115 October
101115 October
9915 October
91015 October
91215 October
8915 October
feije8815 October
81215 October
7715 October
nina72911 October
69 7 October
68 7 October
6615 October
61018 October
6614 October
5515 October
5815 October
44 3 October
4818 October
4515 October
23 3 October
This month is ADDITIONS in 1 minute 183 times made:
naamnumber correctnumber done
Igor474721 October
harry 678N404021 October
373921 October
harry 678N363911 October
363710 October
363610 October
Lana343614 October
323610 October
323214 October
3132 9 October
Lana313214 October
313319 October
313210 October
3031 1 October
292918 October
292917 October
leyla don't have a 293010 October
IMSIGMAFR283014 October
2829 9 October
272910 October
annavh20132727 8 October
272815 October
272710 October
272810 October
262610 October
2627 9 October
nicolas vince2626 9 October
mido&mizo slechtste 2537 3 October
252510 October
252610 October
252521 October
mido's beste score2426 3 October
biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii2426 7 October
2424 9 October
242610 October
2429 9 October
thomas2424 7 October
242415 October
alle aapjes zwemmen 233014 October
232410 October
menno2327 8 October
232310 October
2323 9 October
2324 5 October
nicolas vince2323 9 October
234610 October
Samar232317 October
222410 October
2222 9 October
222210 October
222213 October
2222 6 October
2222 9 October
222410 October
2222 7 October
212714 October
2123 9 October
212210 October
2123 9 October
hank2123 9 October
212310 October
2121 9 October
2121 9 October
212110 October
2122 8 October
212118 October
212114 October
jooooooo2020 4 October
2021 1 October
Djianiro202121 October
2021 7 October
202110 October
Dylan2022 3 October
2021 9 October
Samar202114 October
2021 3 October
2012817 October
1922 9 October
1920 9 October
192010 October
192210 October
191917 October
191910 October
192210 October
julian1967 9 October
1920 5 October
1818 9 October
1818 9 October
182010 October
181915 October
1821 9 October
182014 October
1821 8 October
171710 October
171918 October
171910 October
JULE171717 October
172111 October
171710 October
172210 October
1718 1 October
1718 9 October
pro bo1718 1 October
1717 4 October
172610 October
babette1717 4 October
1717 3 October
161714 October
161718 October
161715 October
aladin151718 October
kevin!!!!!!!151517 October
151614 October
safouane151618 October
1515 9 October
151710 October
1515 9 October
151610 October
Damian lincke141510 October
141510 October
141515 October
141414 October
yhnshyudhujn yuhjrur1414 3 October
1415 1 October
141615 October
Marleen131321 October
1315 9 October
131414 October
Marleen131421 October
1314 8 October
1315 9 October
Marleen121221 October
121515 October
121220 October
jooooooo1213 4 October
1213 9 October
121310 October
122010 October
111214 October
1112 2 October
111112 October
111118 October
Arda guler111118 October
Marleen111221 October
111310 October
Ole111111 October
1010 7 October
Jefta101015 October
Marleen91021 October
ppp0000000000000000099 3 October
8818 October
Jaeley811 1 October
8814 October
88 8 October
Juan8917 October
uhidjdjdubdjhducdh89 2 October
bo pro crow8815 October
77 3 October
uw moet antworde zeg7714 October
willemeijn77 3 October
66 9 October
llllllllllllllllllll677 3 October
hjds4t7hyafuwygsaijo670 9 October
6618 October
kensi6615 October
68 3 October
Joas6616 October
Jayden51021 October
510 3 October
55 4 October
56 4 October
56 4 October
4421 October
45 3 October
uttuututu55utyuhiuyh4126 2 October
2311 October
senna kroon29 3 October
sammie110018 October
126 1 October
llllllllllllllllllll182 4 October
13 1 October
12 2 October